Please answer all of the questions and part-questions. This test is not timed.
When you answer a question, it is given a green highlight. Be careful though: the right answer to some questions may be more than one item.
If you forget to answer a question, don't worry. When you get to the end of the test, you'll see some orange buttons that take you back to any you missed out.
Which of these words are nouns?
How many nouns are there in this sentence?
Select the statement that is true about nouns.
Identify all the words in the first noun phrase contained in this sentence.
Which of the following is an extended noun phrase?
Identify the pronouns in this sentence.
Which word cannot be a demonstrative pronoun?
How many determiners are there in this sentence?
Which word cannot be a determiner?
Identify the adjective in this sentence.
How many adjectives are there in this sentence?
Select the statement that is true about adjectives.
Identify the adjective phrase contained in this sentence.
How many prepositions are in this sentence?
Which of these statements about prepositions is true?
How many preposition phrases are there in this sentence?
Identify the preposition phrase in this sentence.
In a preposition phrase, the preposition cannot be followed by one of the following. Which is it?
Identify the verbs in these sentences.
Which of these statements is true of verbs?
Find the sentence that does not contain an auxiliary verb.
Which of the following statements about auxiliary verbs is untrue?
Which of these sentences is not in the passive voice?
Which of these statements is not true of sentences in the passive voice?
Which sentence does not contain a modal auxiliary verb?
Which of these statements is not true of modal auxiliary verbs?
Which of these statements are correct?
Which form of the verb is used in the sentences below?
Identify the adverbs in these sentences.
Which of the following statements is not true of adverbs?
Identify the adverb phrase in the sentence below.
Which of these statements is not true of adverb phrases?
Identify the coordinating conjunctions in these sentences.
Which of these statements is not true of coordinating conjunctions?
Identify the subordinating conjunctions in these sentences.
Which of these statements is not true of subordinating conjunctions?
Identify the main clause in the sentence below.
Identify the subordinate clause in the sentence below.
Identify the single-clause and multi-clause sentences.
Match the sentence to the correct clause pattern.
Which of these statements about clause patterns is false?
Identify the Subjects of these sentences.
Which of these is not true of Subjects?
Identify the Objects in these sentences.
One of the following is not true of Objects. Which one?
Identify the Adverbial in these sentences.
Which of the following is not true of Adverbials?
In each case below, indicate whether the items on the left are grammatical form labels or grammatical function labels.
Identify the grammatical forms of the highlighted words in each case.
Identify the grammatical functions of the highlighted units.
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