An Introduction to Genre

Activity 1

Writing is an activity by which we achieve different goals. There are so many different types of text, we give the different types their own names. The names we give to different texts are called genres.

What kind of written or spoken text would you find the following sentences and phrases in? Give an answer for each one.

  1. 10 grams of frozen peas.
  2. Nadal serves Shapovalov backhand crosscourt.
  3. There are three reasons why the voting age should be lowered to 16.
  4. Biscuit throwing festival cancelled after becoming too popular.
  5. Once upon a time there were a brother and sister called Nicholas and Nicole.

In the starter activity you might have recognised the sentences or phrases as belonging to:

  1. Recipe
  2. Tennis commentary
  3. Essay or speech
  4. Newspaper headline
  5. Story

Activity 2

To better understand how genre is constructed, it helps to break it down into two aspects:

1. discourse structure and

2. register.

What do you think these two terms mean?

Genres have a structure of elements or parts in a certain order. We can call this discourse structure.

We use language differently in different genres: some kinds of words and grammar are more frequent in one genre than another. These are referred to as features of register.

Let’s take an example of a dictionary.

What elements of discourse structure and register can you see in this extract from a dictionary?

The discourse structure is:

And the larger discourse structure of a dictionary is a list of head words in alphabetical order.

We can also find different language or register features in these dictionary entries.

Let’s take a look at another example.

Activity 3

What does the word 'blurb' mean?

What does a blurb normally include?

Can you find an example of a blurb in the classroom?

We'll look at some examples of blurbs together. For each one, identify the discourse structure and register.

Blurb A)

What genre of book is this blurb for? What discourse structure and features of register can you see?

Blurb B)

What genre of book is this blurb for? What discourse structure and features of register can you see?

Blurb discourse structure possible answers:

Blurb features of register possible answers:

Further activities: 


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