Adjective identification: Activity 2

Somehow, it didn't seem wise.

Is wise an adjective?

A tall, upright figure dressed in blue denim was striding purposefully towards them.

Is striding an adjective?

A tall, upright figure dressed in blue denim was striding purposefully towards them.

Is upright an adjective?

Keith's house looked the same, neat raw brick and everything symmetrical.

Is symmetrical an adjective?

Keith's house looked the same, neat raw brick and everything symmetrical.

Is Keith's an adjective?

He says they're only jealous.

Is jealous an adjective?

He says they're only jealous.

Is only an adjective?

What do you think this will offer?

Is offer an adjective?

What do you think this will offer?

Is think an adjective?

'Poor thing', Leslie said sympathetically.

Is poor an adjective?

'Poor thing', Leslie said sympathetically.

Is sympathetically an adjective?


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