
A function label for an element in the clause which typically comes after the verb phrase and before the Direct Object. The Indirect Object in a sentence is typically a noun phrase or pronoun that refers to someone or something that can be seen as the goal, recipient or beneficiary of the action expressed by the verb. For example, in We sent Kate some flowers the function of Indirect Object is filled by Kate. See also Object.

Identify the Indirect Object

Find the Indirect Object in a range of examples

Identify the Indirect Object in each of the following clauses. Click on the word (or words) that comprise the Indirect Object of each clause to select or deselect them.

Indirect Object

Consider the following example. Here we have two noun phrases which follow the Predicator (the verb).

  • I’ll give [you] [the school’s number]. [W2F-020 #192]

Can you see how they build up the meaning of the clause? Both noun phrases refer to participants in the situation of ‘giving’, but the participants have different roles.


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