Topic: KS1


Relevant for UK National Curriculum Key Stage 1.

New! Guided Grammar Lessons for Yr 2


This new course was part of a research project and grammar and writing, funded by the Nuffield Foundation. We are now making it available to everyone.

It consists of 10 lessons that are designed to cover the grammar requirements for Key Stage 1, Year 2 of the National Curriculum for England.

Clause paths

This is a short game that can be used at the beginning or end of a lesson, to consolidate understanding of single clause sentences, multi clause sentences and subordinate clauses.

Compound word creation

An interactive activity to explore how compounds are made

In this activity, students work with an interactive smart board display to build compound words.

The Activity pages for this starter can be found in the menu entitled 'This Unit' in the upper right corner of this page. Each Activity page contains slides that can be displayed using a projector or smart board. 

Compound word creation: Activity 1

An interactive activity to explore how compounds are made

Compound word creation: Activity 2

See how many compound words you can create from a given word.

For each word, see how many compounds you can think of which include the word.

01: Nouns

Year 2 Guided Grammar Lessons #1

This is Lesson #1 of a unit of 10.

Go to the Start

Teacher Slide

Objective: grammar

To understand that nouns are words that represent people, places and things, to understand how they are formed, and to understand what some of their grammatical characteristics are.

Please read the lesson plan in the Manual before delivering this lesson.

02: Adjectives and expanded noun phrases

Year 2 Guided Grammar Lessons #2

This is Lesson #2 of a unit of 10.

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Teacher Slide

Objective: grammar

To understand the grammatical characteristics of adjectives and expanded noun phrases.

Objective: writing

To explore the roles that adjectives and expanded noun phrases play in writing, and to apply this to the pupils' own writing.

03: Verbs

Year 2 Guided Grammar Lessons #3

This is Lesson #3 of a unit of 10.

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Teacher Slide

Objective: grammar

To understand what verbs are, how they are formed, and their grammatical characteristics.

Objective: writing

To explore what role verbs play in writing, and to apply this to the pupils' own writing.

04: Adverbs

Year 2 Guided Grammar Lessons #4

This is Lesson #4 of a unit of 10.

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Teacher Slide

Objective: grammar

To understand what adverbs are, how they are formed and their grammatical characteristics.

Objective: writing

To explore what role adverbs play in writing, and to apply this to the pupils’ own writing.

Terminology for pupils:

adverbs, verbs

05: Present tense

Year 2 Guided Grammar Lessons #5

This is Lesson #5 of a unit of 10.

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Teacher Slide

Objective: grammar

To understand, identify and apply the present tense, including the present progressive form of the verb.

Objective: writing

To explore when the present tense is used in writing and apply this to the pupils’ own writing.

06: Past tense

Year 2 Guided Grammar Lessons #6

This is Lesson #6 of a unit of 10.

Go to the Start

Teacher Slide

Objective: grammar

To understand, identify and apply the past tense, including the past progressive form of the verb.

Objective: writing

To explore when the past tense is used in writing and apply this to the pupils’ own writing.

Terminology for pupils:

tense, past tense

07: Sentence patterns

Year 2 Guided Grammar Lessons #7

This is Lesson #7 of a unit of 10.

Go to the Start

Teacher Slide

Objective: grammar

To understand the grammatical characteristics of the sentence patterns statement, question, command, and exclamation in English, and how they are used.

08: Linking (1)

Year 2 Guided Grammar Lessons #8

This is Lesson #8 of a unit of 10.

Go to the Start

Teacher Slide

Objective: grammar

To understand how we can link words, phrases, and clauses using coordination.

Objective: writing

To encourage pupils to join words, phrases and sentences in their writing using for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so.

09: Linking (2)

Year 2 Guided Grammar Lessons #9

This is Lesson #9 of a unit of 10.

Go to the Start

Teacher Slide

Objective: grammar

To understand how we can link clauses using subordination.

Objective: writing

To encourage pupils to join clauses in their writing using when, because, after, before, since, etc.

10: Consolidation

Year 2 Guided Grammar Lessons #10

This is Lesson #10 of a unit of 10.

Go to the Start

Teacher Slide

Objective: grammar

To consolidate and revisit existing grammatical knowledge.

Objective: writing

To explore the way in which pupils can construct meaning in texts through grammar.

Baby Sentences: Activity

Daddy go work

Mummy read

Daddy bike

What that

Where blanket

Sock off

Teddy fall

Sammy tired

Clause patterns in online recipes

Exploring how and why different clause patterns are used

This activity looks at different clause patterns (statement; question; command; exclamation) in an online recipe. Students are asked to think about why different clause patterns are used, and what kind of role they play in creating the meaning of the text.

Form and function

A useful distinction in grammar is that of grammatical form and grammatical function. Grammatical form is concerned with the description of linguistic units in terms of what they are, and grammatical function is concerned with the description of what these linguistic units do. Note that we use capital letters at the beginning of function labels, but this is by no means standard practice everywhere.


Gender in Nouns


Activity 1

Explain to the learners that nouns can refer to male or female people. In language, this difference is called gender

Ask learners to copy down the list and add the nouns of the oppsite gender. Show them the solutions and ask them what patterns they notice. Answer: some are completely different words while others use a suffix to change the meaning. 

Gender in Nouns



To explore the meaning of gender in nouns.

Activity 1

What's the difference between the words mother and father?

Nouns for people can refer to a man or a male such as father or to a woman or female such as mother .

In language, we call this difference gender.

For each noun, write the word that expresses the opposite gender: 

KS1 noun phrase generator

Use the interactive whiteboard to generate weird and wonderful noun phrases. 

Morphology - an introduction: Activity 1

Activity 1: Finding word parts

From the list below, pick out the words that are complex. Can you break them down into meaningful parts?

  1. bread
  2. sunshine
  3. fossil
  4. sleepwalker
  5. unhappy
  6. umbrella
  7. rebuild
  8. laughing

There are some further questions on the next slide.

Now look at the parts of the words that you have found. Which ones can be used on their own?

Morphology - an introduction: Activity 2

Activity 2: Same word or different words?

Would you say the following are different words or the same word?

  • hesitate, hesitates, hesitated, hesitating

It depends what we mean by ‘word’! In one everyday sense, they are all different words.

Morphology - an introduction: Activity 3

Activity 3: How many words?

Look at the sentence below and answer the following questions:

  1. How many different words, in the sense of dictionary words, are there?
  2. Which items can be grouped together as forms of the same word?
  • I think teasing tigers is unwise, because I teased a tiger once and barely escaped alive.



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Englicious (C) Survey of English Usage, UCL, 2012-21 | Supported by the AHRC and EPSRC. | Privacy | Cookies