Some things I can remember without writing them down. → I can remember some things without writing them down.

Hardbacks I wouldn’t lend to anyone. → I wouldn't lend hardbacks to anyone.

Any help the Europeans can offer in bringing the Arabs to the negotiating table, he will welcome. → He will welcome any help the Europeans can offer in bringing the Arabs to the negotiating table.

Whether this was true, she never knew. → She never knew whether this was true.

What they could not steal, they destroyed. → They destroyed what they could not steal.

A few lunches, I cooked for myself. → I cooked a few lunches for myself.

Contexts of use

  • Well it helps to get some things down, I find. Some things I can remember without writing them down but the best way to remember things is to write them down.

Contexts of use

  • I mean OK I go in Waterstones or wherever and buy paperbacks and read them and probably cast them aside or lend them to someone else and forget who I’ve lent them to. But hardbacks I wouldn’t lend to anyone.

Contexts of use

  • When I was at home, more often than not it was my mother that cooked or sometimes my father. I did cook occasionally, when they were out. And so a few lunches, I cooked for myself.


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