Spelling - Consonant doubling 1: Activity 1


Sort the examples into two groups

sad + -ly → sadly
sad + -ness → sadness
sad + -er → sadder
sad + -en → sadden
fit + -ful → fitful
fit + -est → fittest
spot + -less → spotless
spot + -ed → spotted
ship + -ment → shipment
ship + -ed → shipped


  • DOUBLE GROUP: sad + -er → sadder, sad + -en → sadden, fit + -est → fittest, spot + -ed → spotted, ship + -ed → shipped
  • DON'T DOUBLE GROUP: sad + -ly → sadly, sad + -ness → sadness, fit + -ful → fitful, spot + -less → spotless, ship + -ment → shipment

When does the final consonant double and when does it not double?

  • When the suffix starts with a consonant: DO NOT DOUBLE the final consonant (e.g. fitful).
  • When the suffix starts with a vowel: DOUBLE the final consonant (e.g. fittest).


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